The pain in the left side of the back

When it appears the pain in the back on the left, many people are beginning to suspect disease of the vertebral column. But not only the pathology of the spine can cause unpleasant symptoms. Almost 95% of the people, after 35 years, they begin to feel pain in the back.

the pain on the left side of the back

There are many reasons capable of call: not properly functioning of the internal organs, colds, cold, lack of exercise, bad posture, and many others. It's not worth starting to do therapeutic activities, if you have pain in the left part of the back. Only a qualified specialist real recognize the disease and prescribe treatment. And even more it is worth to take into account the possible causes of the disease.

The causes of discomfort

Before starting the therapy, it is necessary to understand the cause of the pain, set the exact location, the time. Perhaps the reason it became a muscle strain as a result of a strong physical stress or hypothermia. Here are the main pathologies in which pain in the back with the left hand.

Neuralgia intercostal

Painful syndrome that occurs when the compression, irritation or inflammation of the nerves, which are located between the ribs. The causes of the disease are many. The main of them are: allergic reaction, nervous system disease, a decrease of forces the body's immune, cancers of the lung or pleura, hypothermia, and certain infectious diseases (tuberculosis, herpes zoster (shingles), an injury to the back and chest, diseases of the spine (scoliosis, herniated disc, etc.). With the defeat of the nerves to the left side hurts the left side of the chest, aggravated by movement or inhaling, marked increase in perspiration, tears, tingling, numbness in the affected areas, a sleep disorder.


The kidney disease, which is associated with lesions of the parenchyma, calyces, and renal pelvis. In the majority of cases of pyelonephritis develops due to the presence of infectious agents in the bladder, which rise upwards to the ureters. Also the development of the pathology, and promote and other diseases: kidney stones, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the organs of the female reproductive system, etc.

The symptoms of kidney disease are the pain in the lumbar region with the affected part, which makes it in the pubic area, weakness and malaise, rise of temperature with excessive sweating, the urine is turbid, and assumes a reddish hue, and urine analysis will be up-to-date protein and the bacteria content in the blood increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate and leukocytosis.


The disease, in which the organs of the urinary system are available solid formulations in the form of stones. These stones are crystals of dissolved salts in the urine. The appearance of the disease leads to the presence of multiple causes: hereditary predisposition, consumption of water containing a large amount of minerals, insufficient fluid consumption, lack of physical exercise. Depending on the location of the pain, the doctor can understand exactly where the stone.

Confirm this possible with the help of conduct LINKS-search. In addition to back pain, patients experience cramps and burning sensation in the lower abdomen above the pubis, and the urethra, increased body temperature, renal colic, disorders of the urine with a hint of blood.

Myocardial infarction

A form of coronary artery disease, characterized by necrosis of the heart muscle due to insufficient intake of blood. The disease often occurs among men in the age group of 45 years. The causes of heart attack can become diabetes mellitus, obesity, high blood pressure, alcohol abuse, smoking, mental stress.

Strong psycho-emotional surge can be the cause of infarction on a background of coronary artery disease and angina. The clinical manifestations include burning and acute pain in the area of the heart, which may radiate to the left arm, the jaw, the scapula, the lower part of the back. Also, there is shortness of breath, cold sticky sweat, a feeling of lack of air and the sense of fear of death, acrocyanosis .

Gastric ulcer


It is a chronic disease characterized by the appearance of sores on the mucous membrane of the stomach. Pathology subject to frequent relapses, progression, and appearance of various complications. Develops a stomach ulcer for a few reasons: prior to the disease of the digestive tract, the impact of bile and hydrochloric acid, long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, ischemia of the tissue of the stomach.

It is shown that heredity plays an important role and there are cases of incidence between relatives. For peptic ulcer is characterized by the presence of pain in the upper abdomen (beneath the xiphoid process), can sometimes give to the back or right upper quadrant. Usually, patients may dotted to specify the place of localization bad symptom. In addition to pain, patients complain of a feeling of heaviness, filling the stomach on an empty stomach or after taking food, disorder of the chair, nausea, vomiting, linked to the elimination of unpleasant signs and aches.


A pathological condition in which occurs the accumulation of gas or air in the pleural cavity. The cause of her become respiratory diseases, trauma, malignancies, connective tissue diseases, tuberculosis, etc., is more frequent among people between the ages of 20-40 years.

Develops pneumothorax, always suddenly and the severity of the symptoms depends on the degree of impact easy. The main signs of the disease is considered to be: severe pain in the upper part of the chest with the part affected, which increases during inspiration and can give a dry cough, dyspnea, cyanosis of the skin, cold sweat, clammy, lowered blood pressure, and sometimes fainting. When you are in the form of pneumothorax can be observed in the blood from the wound.

Pulmonary tuberculosis

A serious infectious disease that affects the tissue of the lung. Pulmonary tuberculosis is the most common form of the disease. The reason of the disease – the bacillus of Koch. Predisposing factors for breeding are adverse conditions and some diseases that are strongly weakened the immune system: smoking, HIV infection, intake of particular drugs, diabetes, cancer, chronic renal failure, and other.

Also the groups at risk are people in prison, immigrants, drug addicts and alcoholics. Prior to the development of the disease does not have symptoms or they are mild and occur in the form of a cold. Cough is missing or appears rarely with expectoration bit of mucus viscous, with an unpleasant odor, back pain to the right or to the left with the defeat easy with one of the parties. Patients also complain of increased fatigue, sweating, low-grade fever body, swollen lymph nodes, palpitations, sometimes hemoptysis.

In women cyst the left ovary

The outgrowth is benign, with the liquid content inside and the propensity to growth. The appearance of cysts connected with the violation of the menstruation, disorders of the endocrine system and the wrong way of life. The disease does not depend on age. Initially, the tumor does not occur. The only symptom that can be pulled lower abdominal pain.

When it is necessary to consult with a medical emergency

If it hurts the left part of the back and the pain does not subside, then, after a couple of days, it is worth to suspect a serious illness that requires immediate medical intervention.

Also, do not neglect the appearance and other clinical signs:

  • sudden severe pain in the abdomen;
  • it is not reasonable to body weight loss;
  • not proper functioning of the digestive system and the genitourinary system;
  • strong weakness, rise in body temperature.

The survey


To diagnose the disease, you must pass a comprehensive examination. The doctor can be assigned the following types of search: blood on the clinical and biochemical analysis, urine analysis, electrocardiogram, ULTRASOUND, x-ray or an x-ray, if necessary, magnetic RESONANCE imaging and CT scans, blood and other biological materials for the markers.